Mind Hormones
Revealing the massive, generally ignored influences of the thyroidal, adrenal and especially the sexual hormones, working in concert on the circuitry of the brain and thereby on the mind in terms of thinking feeling and behaviors.
The hidden powers thus revealed of these pivotal hormones, their levels, balances and dynamic patterns have the power to not only fuel mind-based disturbances but also to correct them in a natural way that reduces the risks and side effects of psychoactive drugs.
A new hormonal paradigm
This is one of the websites of John O'Dea MD, a California-based Irish endocrinologist whose prime focus has long been the exciting yet usually ignored influences of the thyroid, adrenal & sexual hormones, as they broadly operate in concert upon mind & body. These long-ignored, now finally validated mind-directed influences are not only novel but so are their mechanisms of action, which allow hormonal fluctuations that would otherwise be smoothed out under the sluggish, lingering influences of classical hormone action, to become highly significant by virtue of the brief, extremely high speed mechanisms we have now come to appreciate.
The newly appreciated mechanisms allow these hormones to modify the functions of brain & immune/inflammatory system, thus defining the structural & functional contexts against which our thinking, emotions & behaviors take place. It follows however that if hormonal disturbances can fuel mental problems such as depression, schizophrenia & anxiety, then correcting them might naturally facilitate the restoration of mental good health in a permissive manner instead of the forceful one so typical of the effects of psychoactive drug therapy.
On this website Dr. O'Dea explains the potetial for hormone modulations, in balance & in pattern, to revolutionize the field of mental health.