O'Dea Medical Group

The O'Dea Medical Group
O'Dea Medical Hormones is the website of John O'Dea MD, forward-thinking physician & experienced endocrinologist.
O'Dea is a progressive free thinker who never-the-less distrusts those who serve under the anti-scientific banner of alternative medicine. He believes that modern medicine has been hamstrung by the growing blight of standardized conventionalism & far from being too scientific, as alternativists so often proclaim, he thinks that modern medicine is by no means scientific enough. The chasm between scientific, research-level medicine & clinical care in the doctor's office has become far too great, & needlessly so. He strives to narrow the gap, not by forcing new data down medical throats but by promoting a new way of thinking, one long over-due.
Not new words but a new language
As a clinical endocrinologist fascinated by the impact of the sexual, adrenal & thyroidal hormones, not just on those areas of health that textbooks so teleologically focus upon, but on the two great informatic areas of the body, the nervous & the immune/inflammatory systems that regulate normal & abnormal thinking, he has focused on the proven capacity of these hormones to exert enormous influences on these two areas & thereby to dominate mental function. Consequently these hormones, even the sexual ones exert a massive influence on the mind, fueling mental illnesses when they are disrupted, but equally facilitating mental recovery when brought back in line.
The areas where he has most typically applied this new approach include the menopause, mental health in both genders & the hormonal management of transgender health. These three areas all share a common ground, & common mechanisms.