Cheap but obsolete
Oral estrogen's are cheap but not worth the risks & lack of benefit.
Some insurance companies insist on the use of oral estrogen's to save them money, at your expense. The liver first pass means that even estradiol, the natural estrogen of young women, is about 60% converted into estrone, an undesirable estrogen, & the presence in the blood of actual estradiol is brief & erratic, leaving much of the day uncovered hormonally. There are numerous estrogen's present in the equine (horse-derived) products, few of which belong in the human body. Oral estrogen's do not generate a steady, 24-hour delivery of the sex hormones & they instruct the liver to increase its production of binding proteins, thus limiting the capacity of estrogen's to actually access their target sites, notably the brain. Oral estrogens increase clotting risks which can lead to sudden death. Need I say more.