Quisque gravida purus
Hormones & dementia
- Super User
Publishers & government analysts of the WHIM study which only involved oral horse-derived estrogen's loudly proclaimed an increased dementia risk from HRT. They were grossly wrong!
Analyzed scientifically, the WHIM study actually supports a beneficial rather than a detrimental role for estrogen in dementia, something that seemed to pass the investigators & bean-counters by. Although oral equine estrogen's increase estrogen levels in the bloodstream, they reduce the levels of free, biologically available estrogen & testosterone in the blood & even more so in the brain, since only free hormones can access this austere organ. So of course these antiquated horse pills amplify dementia risk by reducing rather than augmenting brain estrogen delivery. In contrast non-oral estradiol & testosterone, when maintained at steady, optimal, individualized levels tend to reduce, & most probably reverse dementia and the other neurodegenerative, hormone-sensitive diseases including Parkinson ism & schizophrenia.